If you’ve been a crime victim, you may consider reporting it to the police. Here, you can learn about the diverse ways to report a crime and the outcomes and effects of doing so. It’s important to consult a lawyer, either before or after contacting the police, for assistance with your case and court preparation, if necessary. 

Navigating in the legal system

We understand that being a victim of a crime may feel overwhelming but remember that you’re not alone. Whether you’ve already involved the police or not, you can always reach out to us for legal assistance or one of the many Victim Support associations around Morocco. To help you navigate in the legal system, we have here tried to answer some of the most frequently questions you may have.


Depending on the nature of the crime and the extent of any physical injuries you may have sustained, it might be necessary to contact the police by phone, particularly if you are still at the scene of the incident. This enables the police to secure the crime scene, gather evidence should your case proceed to court, and provide you with medical attention. 


Depending on the nature of the crime you have been a victim of, it may be necessary for you to go to the hospital – not only to collect evidence for a potential case but also to ensure you receive medical treatment. Some hospitals have doctors trained to perform a rape kit, if you have been sexually assaulted – which the police can assist you with.


If you have been a victim of a crime and the case is heading to court after the police have finished their investigation, there are steps you can take to ensure you are prepared for both before, during and after the trail. If the case is going to court, the first step for you will be to find a lawyer to help guide you through the legal proceedings and represent you in court.


In certain instances, seeking legal assistance may be imperative if you have fallen victim to a crime. This may entail seeking legal counsel before or during the process of reporting the crime to the police, as well as securing legal representation if your case advances to court. Notably, certain victim support associations extend free legal support 

Been a witness to a crime?

If you have been a witness to a crime, it is important to take immediate action to ensure the safety of yourself and others, as well as to assist law enforcement in their investigation. By promptly reporting what you’ve observed, providing accurate details, and cooperating with authorities, you play a crucial role in upholding justice and maintaining the well-being of your community.